Friday, March 9, 2012

Blog 8.1 Hydrocarbon Properties and Uses

Crude oil is naturally occurring oil. It's made of mostly carbon and hydrogen, mixed with mud and other organic material.

Crude oil is refined by being boiled up to 900 degrees Fahrenheit. It can then be blended with other chemicals to make other products.

The larger the hydrocarbon, the higher the boiling point. More atoms means more electrons, which means more attractions.

In 2008 alone, the United States produced an estimated 4.9 million barrels of crude oil per day and imported 9.8 million barrels per day from other countries. This oil is drilled out of the ground by a Drilling Rig. This machine creates holes, usually called boreholes. These drills can either be small enough to be moved by one person, or so large that they can dig through thousands of meters of earth.
       These drills also have a mud pump to suck up all of the drilled dirt for cooling. Anywhere can be drilled, from flat land, to hills or mountains, and even underwater. The drills can be powered by many things, including steam, electricity, hydraulics, and gas. (kind of weird how a machine that gets oil uses oil)
              There is lots of controversy on excessive oil drilling. It's positive because our country can get our own oil instead of having to buy it from other countries. It can be negative because of damage to the environment. For example, the BP oil spill that happened not too long ago.

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